
Just for Sara

She wanted to know whats in my purse...
  1. Wallet (not much $$ though)
  2. Gum
  3. Car keys
  4. Chapstick
  5. Watch... make that 3 watches ??
  6. Gum wrapper
  7. Perfume (mmmm...)
  8. Antibacterial Hand Gel
  9. I take that back, a ridiculous amount of gum wrappers
  10. Reciepts
  11. Bottle of Benadryl (actually contains motrin, benadryl and vicodin) cuz ya just never know
  12. Ratatouille Game Boy Game
  13. Bobby Pins and a Hair clip
  14. Pink little girls hair tie
  15. Loose Keys (not sure what they're to)
  16. Passport
  17. Change...probably at least $20 worth...this is why purse weighs 10lbs
  18. Cards ie. Costco, RN license, NHRA membership, Coffee cards etc.

Well that about does it.

Sara, Thanks for making me go through this black hole of a purse and getting rid of all those gum wrappers.

See this was a very productive TAG and I encourage all of you girls to post the same and finally go through your purse.


Sara K. said...

Isn't that a helpful TAG? I failed to mention that I also found a dirty diapie in the bottom of my bag... yeah, I should go through that thing more often. good thing it didn't contain #2 yuck

Jo said...

you have a lot of sh*t in there! I won't even bother with this tag since my purse is CLEAN and it would only be boring to know about!