
Goin for a Hike

We used this Veterans day to go for a hike out at Grimes Point. I'm ashamed to say this, but I've never really done the Grimes Point thing. I must have been sick for that field trip in 4th grade.

So, Mallory and Olivia, Candy, my Aunt Theresa, Lauren (Candy's niece) and myself all went to hike up the trails and check out the Petroglyphs (not to be confused with hieroglyphs-which are in Egypt). You're welcome for the clarification. :)

SO Cute!

In case you were wondering, we didn't loose Faith, she just decided to spend the day with a friend instead of hiking. Mallory really enjoyed being the big kid for the hike.

Mallory stayed way ahead of the pack having a great time climbing the rocks along the way.


Be afraid...be VERY afraid.

I can play too. Just makin sure I still have some skillz.


Hayley said...

Cool. I have never hiked it either. Looks like I have something to do on my next visit.

Sara K. said...

Those are some mad skillz! Good for you for holding on to those!!

I love hiking at Grimes point. Definitely one of my favorite places to be in the quiet.

Jo said...


Alisha said...

good point on your toes. now those are mad skills

Sara K. said...

I desire your email address please :o)

I've made my blog private due to a creepy clicking on pictures of my husband... weird. lol

anyway, he's gone so much that I really should protect myself in the cyber world. I know...a little paranoid.

that's all! have a great weekend!