
Yes, I really did it

I have wanted a tattoo for a very long time
What do I want?
Where do I want it?
Would I really like it?
All very legitimate questions that made me wait until the day that I was sure.
That day came.
Courtesy of Joleen actually scheduling the appointment :0)

So, I underwent the most annoying 3 hours of my life.
Note that I didn't say the most painful, because it by far was not!
I've had children!

The end result was exactly what I had in mind.



And a good friend to share it with.
Thanks Joleen!


Rasmussen boys and 1 girl! said...

That is huge! I love it though. Me and Emily are getting another one soon. Did you get settled in reno yet?

Jo said...

It looks so good! I am so glad your so happy with it! Hot Hot Mama!!

Aubrey said...

Wow! You are brave! 3 hrs is a long time. Looks great though. It was good to see you the other day.

Tiffy said...

I love it! I'm so proud of you for not chickening out! Kinda' gives me the tattoo bug again too. I told you it doesn't hurt that bad...then again, I've never had one that big! Anyhow, it turned out way cute!