
We're goin' to ROME

First, I know I haven't posted in awhile and I have a lot of catching up to do. I haven't made the time to sit down at my computer and download pics from my camera. But when I do, I'll play catch up. I have lots of news.

Remember when I won that race in Vegas? Well, the whole time I was racing I had some great motivation. Taylor had said that if I won that we would go on a trip somewhere. That somewhere ended up being ROME!!

I'm so excited! ok... and a little overwhelmed. I have never been to Europe or had to experience a language barrier. Not to mention, Rome has SOO much to see. Regardless, it will be an adventure of a lifetime.

You know what they say, "When in Rome..."


Emily said...

Excuse me Miss. Merry Christmas!!!! I am soooo happy that you get to go on a great vacation!! I just want Kris to take me to Hawaii for gosh sake!!! Anyhow.....I am rally excited (and sad) about your other news too. I am off through Jan.
5th...we must plan to get together!


Rasmussen boys and 1 girl! said...

It must be tough. That's awesome though. I am jealous, can you tell? haha I hope you have a great trip.

Aubrey said...

Wow! What a present! You guys will have a blast I'm sure!