
For my EM

Today was a tough day. A day that I will remember forever.

As most of you know my best friend, Emily Harrison's mom passed away on the 13th. Today, the Harrison family held her service and said their last goodbyes. I have been so worried about how I should be there for my friend and help her through such a hard time. I've felt at such a loss as to how to do this. I've never lost anyone close to me. She has just lost her mom, unimaginable, what do I say, what do I do?

While I was at her service I was consumed by how incredibly strong Emily is and has been through these last few months. She has endured more than a daughter should ever have to endure. And while she did, she would never complain or make her mom feel like a burden. Emily always carried on with a smile on her face, taking care of the woman who had for so long taken care of her.

I was faced with a few challenging questions of my own. Could I be as strong and as capable as my friend now sitting in front of me? Could I stand in front of an audience giving my final words about my mother and maintain my composure as well as she did? I don't really know the answers to these questions but I do know the feeling of awe and astonishment that I felt as I watched my friend today.

You are an amazing person to whom I will always look up to and will always cherish your friendship. There is no way to describe how impressed I am by you in so many ways. No matter the reason, you have a way of looking at challenges as just that, something to overcome. You are truly incredible.

I did cry today. I cried when I saw the hurt in your eyes and there was no way that I could fix it for you. I wanted to wrap you up in my arms and take all the pain, anger and sadness away, but I couldn't and I'm sorry. All that I can do is be there to pick you up, dry your eyes, make you smile and carry on. And forever and ever, I will be there to do just that and more.

1 comment:

Emily said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW Jen! Way to make me cry again!! :) Thank you soooo much for this little blog about me! I cherish our friendship and I am forever grateful for a friend like you! I think I was able to share those things about my mom cause I am ANGRY.....ANGRY that she did everything right and angry that breast cancer still took her. ANGRY in that I sometimes felt I did make her feel like she was a burden. I appreciate you being there and you ARE doing things to help me through.......YOU ARE PRICELESS. I LOVE YOU and thanks again for being there for me!
