
Can you smell it?

Its the smell of Thanksgiving

No...not the smell of turkey and stuffing fresh out of the oven OR homemade pumpkin pie. SILLY!
Its the smell of burnt rubber, raw fuel and exhaust all mixed together to create one sweet aroma. That my friends is the smell of Thanksgiving for me.
Dad and I are headed to Vegas for a big race on Wednesday morning and I can't wait to get there. We haven't raced since May and I'm jones'n to hit the track!
Watch Out Boys


Sara K. said...

Ooohhhh! Good luck chasin' that dough! I, too, am rather partial to that smell :o) I can't even imagine that smell mixed with the adrenaline you must feel sitting in front of all that POWER! Holy Moly! Go get 'em girl!

Emily said...

Jen....I LOVE you!!!!!!! I loved seeing your face tonight, I loved seeing your beautiful girls. I hated the shortness of our visit. I'm excited for you to go racin! I hope you have a great time and we will have to share trip stories when we get back. We are WAY overdue for a pizza and wine nite. Think about it:)


Alisha said...

you go girl. good luck.