
Never Enough Time

No Blog at Work Means Fewer Posts

That is where I was able to do most of my blogging and now the big corporate bullies said NO MORE. I'm not sure how I am going to make the time to post like I have in the past but I'll try.

I have a hard time just keeping up with a house, kids, work, boyfriend, friends, family etc. I'm not sure how some of you post as often as you do, but I'm totally jealous and will try to be a better blogger.

We have been busy this summer, don't get me wrong. Just because my blog is blank doesn't mean we are just hangin around the house. No, No. Taylor and I went on an anniversary trip to Santa Cruz and Great America, then we took the girls on a trip to Disneyland, we've been riding quads, and we leave next week for Yellowstone, no rest around here. I can't find my camera right at this moment, but when I do I'll make some posts and share our adventures.

Thanks for checking in though :o)

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