
San Francisco Part 1

We had a great trip to San Francisco in the beginning of December. The primary reason was to take my mom to a Dr. appt to have an ankle replacement. But we had a lot of fun just doing some basic sight seeing while we were there. In all there were 8 of us... Mom, Grandad (my moms dad), Taylor, myself, Faith, Mallory, Olivia and Dylon (Taylors oldest)

These are some of the pics that we took when the kids and I were just wandering around Jack London Square.

We were just goofin off, so I challenged the kids to a cartwheel contest, long jump contest, and sprint. Then I had to show off a bit.
I lost all but the cartwheel contest. And let me say, Dylon can jump a long way!

Hey what can I say, we'd just finished a long drive and all of the other adults were gone.

I really enjoyed Jack London Square.
I'd never been before and the kids and I had a blast just runnin around and burning off some excess energy.

The next day we went to the aquarium and planetarium at park in San Fran. I'll post those pics next.

What a good lookin group of kids

1 comment:

WebPress said...

Dylon looks like he his having a great time. UMMMMMMMMMM! Dylon you are a sly little devil! great cartwheel you guys...Love Mema