
The Weirdness that is ME

So....I was tagged to do this:
List on your blog 6 weird or odd things about you...tag at least 5 people to do the same on their blog.
1. I work night shift. Haha, just kidding... kinda. I do however feel like this deviates me from normal functioning society. I can now sleep at anytime of the day or night and I never wake up feeling rested. I find it extremely difficult to wake up in the mornings and I feel sorry for my alarm clock and the verbal abuse that it receives each time it does me the favor of getting me out of bed on time.
2. I have a really hard time letting other people drive or actually, I have a really hard time being a passenger. I find myself analyzing their driving and I get really tense. It must be a control issue.
3. I have to pour the cream into the cup before the coffee. It bugs me when I do it in the reverse order because then I have to dirty a spoon to stir the cream in. Not a big deal...right? YES IT IS!!!!
4. I'm a girl who loves to race cars, or anything with a motor really. I have a passion for classic cars. My dream car that I will own someday is a 67 Shelby Cobra. No, not the mustang cobra. I love to shoot guns and kill the occasional jack rabbit. My favorite is going out skeet shooting with my dad. I grew up raising livestock with the intention of sending them to the slaughter house to make $$. I own a 4-wheeler and will make sure that my girls always have a 4-wheeler to ride also. I love to fly in small airplanes and hope to have my private pilots license someday. I like to go fishing and have no problem gutting and cleaning the fish I catch, but hate to put the worm on the hook. Sometimes I think my parents raised me to be a boy. Just kidding, but all in all I'm weird and not your typical girl.
5. I like public speaking and interviews. Its a fun little adrenaline rush. Now that is weird.
6. I think #4 is long enough to count for this one too. I'm having a hard time thinking of something else now.
I will cease this tagging now, since most of you have all been tagged already. Its been fun reading about all of your little quirks also. If you haven't been tagged yet and want to join the fun: This is for you.

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