
Survey Time

This ones just for you Em

~Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for? More than I can count

~Honestly, whats running through your mind? That I need to brush my teeth again. I do that alot at work

~Honestly, have you done something bad today? not that I know of

~What happened at 10? a.m.? I was in the middle of some serious R.E.M

~Do you know how to play poker? roughly and surely not confidently

~Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Nope. Mine is one in a MILLION

~Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of killer bees? What a horrible question. Bees?

~Has someone annoyed you today? Yeah, the tweeker patient of mine. CRAZY BI*CH!

~Whats new? Hopefully a new house in the very near future. YAY!!

~Have you ever asked a boy for advice? everyday. He's a smart boy.

~Where was the last place you went besides your house? I don't technically have a house... but I guess I'd have to say my dads. I sleep there during the day

~Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? Bring it.

~Did your night suck last night? I was working... that answer your question?

~Been out side longer than 30 mins today? unfortunately not

~Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? I'm very close with both. I'm a lucky girl

~Will you kiss anyone tonight? thankfully YES!!

~Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? I like both, but lately, sunny.

~Last text was from who? Some HOT firefighter

~What are you doing tomorrow? Hangin with my man and my boys

~Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? If I had to, ya, but I love my wine.

~What is your favorite thing to shop for? stuff for the girls

~Would you rather own a snake or a rabbit? snakes freak me the hell out!! I've owned rabbits.

~Which celebrity can you not stand? I don't pay that much attention to care.

~Who knows you better than you know yourself? My mom. She's all over it.

~Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now? I would love to have him here to kiss

~This time last year, were you single? Yep

~How are you feeling right now? Poor

~Do you believe in perfect? hardly... if it is it won't stay that way for long

~Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life? I'm tickled pink

~Whats something you really want right now? 7:00am to roll around

~Hows your heart right now? healthy and happy. I'm totally in love

~Have you chewed gum after someone else already had? sure have

~Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? Not a FREAK but I like it

~Last thing you ate? jerky

~Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl? I suppose, but I learned alot

~Do you think that you’re a good person? through and through

~What made your day? kissing all 3 of my little girlie's

~When was the last time you cried? a couple days ago. On Taylors shoulder cuz I was stressed

~Do you have a job? Fortunately yes

~What were you doing before filling out this survey? a newborn hearing screen

~How late did you stay up last night? 8am

~What are you going to do this weekend? Spend some QT with my boys

~Do you miss anybody? my sister, boyfriend and friends I don't see enough

~First thing you wash in the shower? my hair

~What color is your favorite hoodie? navy blue. Go Wolf Pack

~Do you plan outfits? rarely

~How are you feeling RIGHT now? tired. TGImyFriday

~Whats the closest thing to you that's red? a sharps container

~Do you say aim or a-i-m? I don't even get this question

~Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Not sure but I remember random HS friends being in it

~Did you meet anybody new today? who could forget my new friend the TWEEKER down the hall

~What are you craving right now? Hot Cocoa

~Can you handle the truth? Most of the time even though I sometimes don't want to hear it

~What are you wearing? Socks and a smile :o)


Weekend Fun

We were lucky enough to have Taylor and the boys come out to Fallon for the girs' first softball games. Its not often that we all get together in my hometown and it was sure nice to spend a warm sunny weekend day together.
Mason and Mallory

Livie cheering her sisters on

Dylon, Mal and Caden (who is pulling off a pretty good 'popeye')

Just a cute pic

6 kids + 1 trampoline = 6 tired kids + 2 happy parents


Opening Ceremonies

A good little CHEESER

A great little FIELDER

A not so happy SPECTATOR

A terrific all-around PLAYER




We took date night to the next level
The beginning of our perfect day and a half started off with a nice drive to David Walley's Hot Springs in picturesque Genoa NV. Followed by spending the afternoon in a HUGE, beautiful suite complete with private jacuzzi, sauna and fireplace.
Oh, and don't forget the 3,
you heard right,
bottles of wine
Yeah, we had no need to go anywhere :o)
After deciding that we were adequately pruned from our jacuzzi and that we'd had plenty to drink... we headed to the local Basque restaurant in Gardnerville for dinner. delicious.
Waterlogged, full of fine food and buzzed from the wine,
we crashed for the night
The next morning we woke up only to head down the spa at the resort for an hour long massage for us both then out to the natural hot springs for some R&R.
Here we are post date night:
completely relaxed and very much in love

and not ready to go home...


Batting Cages

Pre-Season Batting Practice

Taylor and I took the girls to the batting cages so they could get the pre-season jitters out of the way. This is Mallory's first year with the pitching machine, so this was a well needed practice.

Not as needed as the delicious corn dog to sustain my little ball player.

Taylor had to get out there to see if he still has it ...

he does.

Faith is definitely looking forward to the start of her softball season. This is her favorite time of year

Hopefully this settles the case of the pre-season softball jitters.
If not, it was a fun day anyway.